Fudge Fundraiser
Profit Margin 45 to 55%! Fundraising - Our program includes everything! Results are very effective yet easy for the organizers and all involved! A successful alternative to the typical chocolate bar or chocolate covered almonds. Examples of past group results found below.
Unique Alternative
Easily Handled
No Refrigeration or Freezers Required
Shelf Life 3 Months
Making Gourmet Fudge For Over 30 Years
Minimum only One Case
Value with Customer Satisfaction
Sinfully Delicious
Quality gourmet fudge is unique. It is not readily available in the stores and is a consumable. This advantage generates success and the ability to run the program time and time again!
12 Flavour Choices
Milk Chocolate
Chocolate Walnut
Chocolate Caramel
Turttle Delight (chocolate, pecans & caramel)
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Chocolate Mint Swirl
Maple Walnut
Butter Pecan
Pralines ‘n Cream
Cookies & Cream
Why so many flavours? Improves multiple sales and offers greater customer satisfaction.
Our Program - Includes Everything:
*Remote locations may require additional shipping charges. Please confirm with us during the initial steps if this applies. We ship anywhere in Canada.
You can download for each student / participant a Fudge Fundraiser Order Form. The Master Sheet represents a specific group, ie; home room, team name, divisional name, number, etc. Bags are included to help in the handling process. We have made every effort to simplify every aspect of our fundraising program. This is to make it as easy as possible for you, the organizers, team leaders / coaches / teachers / parents and of course the participants / students.
Customers prepay for the fudge, this avoids any collection problems later. The student / participant usually bring home the fudge order form and sells to family, friends, neighbours, etc. We Do Not recommend door to door selling. Some parents choose to take the order form to work to assist their child. At the end of the campaign the child brings both the order form and monies to the individual that is in charge of that specific group. Totals are then accumulated for that group on a Master Sheet. You fax us the 'order form' which is available on our web portal together with credit card information and the fresh fudge is sent to you - via courier - in about two weeks.
To Get Started
Call A.S.A.P. to book your expected campaign date
Receive access to our private Fundraising site to download Order Forms & Master Sheets. They can be conveniently printed out from your own computer!
Running of the Campaign (usually 10 to 14 days)
Order the fudge
Fudge shipped, typically 1 to 3 weeks
Suggested Promotions
- CHRISTMAS (one of the best times)
- MOTHER'S DAY (another good time)
- "ANYTIME" PROMOTIONS (many groups arrange the fundraising promotions in their time schedule. We have found the uniqueness of our product and program to be very effective anytime of the year!)
Confirmation is on a first come, first served basis.
Unsure? Call For Additional Information 1-888-235-5552

We are very proud when we hear how well and easy our program works and sells. Bottom line is the total monies raised. We have heard time and time again from the organizations that run our program that this ranks in the top from other programs they have run. We are there for you throughout the entire process. With our expertise and quality gourmet fudge, we look forward to helping your group or organization!
A Few Examples of Past Results:
- 95 students sold over $5,000.00 in 14 days
- children sold over $40,000.00 in 10 days
- 22 participants sold over $2,800.00 in 14 days
- 103 students sold over $5,800.00 in 11 days
- 15 participants sold over $1,250.00 in 11 days
- 48 students sold over $7,100.00 in 10 days
- 14 participants sold over $2,400.00 in 15 days
- 400 children sold almost $29,000.00 in 14 days
Together we can make a difference! It starts with just a call!
Complete the form below to request information and access to our online Fundraising Area.